On the 20th to 21st September 2022, Iraya’s Chief Technology Officer, Francois Baillard had attended the SEG Asia Pacific as one of the speakers.
The first day of the SEG Workshop includes a panel session titled Significance of Machine Learning and Innovative Workflows in Subsurface Characterization. The workshop features innovative presentations exploring new technologies and applications on #AI, #SubsurfaceCharacterization, and #ReservoirDevelopment, an extended #discussion and Q&A session between audience and speakers.
The second day of the SEG Workshop includes a presentation titled Data or Report Search and Analysis/ AI-Assisted Decision Making by Francois Baillard. Other than that, the workshop features innovative presentations exploring new technologies and applications on #AI, #SubsurfaceCharacterization, and #ReservoirDevelopment, an extended #discussion and Q&A session.
đŸ’¡Other speakers include industry experts from PETRONAS, GeoSoftware, Schlumberger, DUG, KAUST (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology).