On the 22nd of March 2023,
🤖 Iraya’s very first machine learning computer, a.k.a an ASUS ROG gaming laptop (!) gets a second life as a computer for a kindergarten school in a beautiful, seaside village in Palawan, Philippines in need of a computer for monitoring preschool children’s development.
☀ Together with this, Iraya also donated two sets of solar panels for lighting the #offgrid school. While we talk about #circulareconomy, rural communities are in fact already masters of sustainability that practice #reuse#reduce#recycle in their daily lives, with which we have a lot to learn from.
💥 It’s just one of the small ways we can create an impact on the #stewards of nature and the community around us. Therefore, to our fellow #gamers#computerenthusiasts#techcompanies#energycompanies who want to donate pre-loved, well-functioning computers to remote schools and students, feel free to contact us here at:
👉 info@irayaenergies.com 🌟
👉 info@irayaenergies.com 🌟